Reminder Quaids Photography will be in Scoil Eoin at 9.30...
Fáilte go Scoil Eoin, Inis Eonáin
Welcome to Scoil Eoin, Innishannon
Mol an Óige agus Tiocfaidh Sí
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A message from the Principal
It is my pleasure and privilege to serve as Principal in Scoil Eoin, Innishannon. We have a long-established caring tradition in this school. We get to know all our pupils well and focus on them as individuals. We cherish them all equally and nurture their individual talents at every opportunity. The trust you, the parents and guardians, place in us to oversee your child’s growth and development is always to the forefront of our thinking and we aim to see your expectations fulfilled. Our committed and experienced staff ensure that the pupils receive a broad and stimulating education.
Tá súil agam go mbainfidh sibh taitneamh gus tairbhe as an suíomh gréasáin seo.

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2025/02/12 10:51:59
Seo cúpla nath cainte le triail sa bhaile. (A few...
2025/02/12 10:05:25
Scoil Eoin parents association will run its 2nd annual Family...
2025/02/11 10:43:53
Today is Safer Internet Day across Europe. The Parents...
2025/02/10 16:43:41
Mr. Scanlon will rehearse with the 5th/6th class music group...
2025/02/07 15:28:02
Scoil Eoin will close at 2.20 pm on Monday 10th...
2025/02/06 12:30:44
Please remind members of Ms Coffey's and Mr Scanlon's music...
2025/02/04 08:36:58
The pupils of 1st and 2nd class were busy learning...
2025/01/31 23:35:32
Fourth Class were busy at work preparing for St Brigid’s...
2025/01/31 15:18:03
Kaitlyn taught us all about Computer Science, AI & AI...
Keep Up To Date
Latest News
2025/02/14 12:37:58
Reminder Quaids Photography will be in Scoil Eoin at 9.30...
2025/02/12 10:51:59
Seo cúpla nath cainte le triail sa bhaile. (A few...
2025/02/12 10:05:25
Scoil Eoin parents association will run its 2nd annual Family...
Get In Touch
Contact Us
- Scoil Eoin, Innishannon, Co. Cork
- +353 21 4775457
- +353 86 4106194
- [email protected]